Sunday, December 9, 2007


Those bastards.

I'm writing this from my own personal version of hell. I've been murdered and taken into captivity. That "nice" family that came to visit? The reprehensible crew came back with another man.

With a saw.

Those miserable miscreants cut me. And not some little nick, like I might get from an aggressive skunk with an appetite for bark, either. No, these freakin' sadists were on a mission.

Look at this!

Look at that little monster in the white coat...she's SMILING! SHE ENJOYED THIS TORTURE! Oh, I've never suffered such indignity, such pain, such misery.

I'll write more later, but right now, I'm just too distraught and in pain, both physical and emotional. I can't believe I've been taken away from the only home I've ever known. I miss the sun. I miss my friends. I miss the animals.

These are wicked, wicked people. They will pay. Oh yes, they will pay.


Anonymous said...

Rick, you need help. ;)

Anonymous said...

This is Hilarious!!! ^-^

White Spruce said...

santa: Who is "santa"? And who is this "rick" of whom you speak?

somecrazyperson: I'm glad you can find some pleasure in my misery.